“Making life with Parkinson's disease a little bit easier. Top Daily living aids for people with Parkinson's disease and neurological disorders”.
May 10, 2022
Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological condition characterised by motor and non-motor challenges, that can affect people differently and often worsen over time. Motor symptoms can include difficulty walking and mobilising including changes in gait patterns, shuffling and freezing and difficulty changing directions, problems with balance and a higher risk of falling, tremors and uncontrolled movements in the upper and lower limbs. Non-motor symptoms can include difficulty with memory and attention, a variety of sleeping problems and depression or anxiety.
In the early stages of Parkinsons disease and related conditions such as MSA or MS, life may continue as before and the best way to keep living well include daily exercise and focused mindset strategies to strengthen your body and approach to life. As the disease progresses however, some daily tasks may become really difficult, such as fine motor skills in tasks like dressing, eating, cooking and grooming. It may also become harder to get around such as getting in and out of a car or getting up out of the couch or rolling over in bed at night.
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