The tools to help yourself and your clients develop Interoceptive Awareness are here

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Do you work with clients with mental health or neurological challenges?


Chances are, your clients may be experiencing differences or challenges with their Interoception or Interoceptive Awareness.  They may have trouble knowing what are they feeling and what can they do to regulate?

First of all, you are amazing doing the work that you do. And I understand that sometimes its a big job and it can feel like you don't know where to go next, so it's good to take the time to upskill and learn new tools to share with your clients.

Research shows that Yoga and mindful body based practices can improve Interoceptive Awareness and you can learn how to use these tools today!


It’s Time To Learn and Grow

With this online course, you will learn what the latest research says about Interoceptive awareness and how to use tools from yoga to improve the learner's capacity for self-care and regulation.


Yoga for Interoceptive Awareness: Awaken your

8th Sense

Learn how yoga can make a difference with this online course.

 What's the BUZZ around "Interoception"? Experience how you can enrich your yoga therapy or classes with ways to build Interoceptive awareness.

In this pre-recorded online training and practical session, Sarita presents:

  • current research into why we would want to bring Interoception into our therapy for clients in a variety of fields
  • why is there such a BUZZ on Interoception
  •  what this sensory system is and how it works in the body and brain
  • The most powerful neuroscience, evidence-based ways to develop interoception
  • an introduction to evidence-based Interoception programs
  • AND share an introductory practice of Interoception-enriched yoga, for you to taste how to highlight the development of interoceptive awareness in yoga practices for yourself or with your clients
  • Space for sharing your own insights and knowledge and for asking questions about anything Interoception and yoga! 

Format: The course is self-paced and consists of 5 modules with just over 2 hours of content including:

  • Introduction and background:30mins (presentation)
  • Yoga practice: 60minutes Yoga Practice
  • Journalling or reflection break:10mins
  • Reflection on practice and explicit interoception yoga teaching methods and question time: 30mins (live interaction)


Part 1: Introduction

30 minute Presentation:  Understand what Interoception is and how it this system functions in the body-brain-nervous system.  Sarita presents what we know about interoception and interoceptive awareness and the vast field of influence IA has on function and wellbeing.

Part 2: Yoga and IA

Learn 8 keys to teaching IA through Yoga

Part 3: Sample Yoga Practice

This is a 60 minute sample yoga practice with the goal of improving IA in the learner. Join in and practice, to experience the benefits for yourself and to feel how the language and tools work to develop IA.

Part 4: Integration: Your turn to put into practice what you have learnt so far

Practice the skills in your own IA building yoga practice for a learner of your choice

Part 5: Discussion and Case Studies

Here we include the Q and A section of the live webinar. This part includes several case examples, practice tips and feedback from participants

Hi, I'm Sarita Sloane,

OT and Yoga Therapist

Sarita Sloane is an Occupational Therapist working in private practice in Noosa, Queensland. Growing up as a deeply sensitive being in a sensory world, she has found the wisdom and gifts of yoga, dance and somatic practices a sure way to stay sane, ground her awareness and live life with more effectiveness, balance and joy. Trained as a yoga therapist and teacher since 2000 she has facilitated many groups and individuals to connect with and honour their body and interoceptive awareness. She now brings these tools into her practice as an OT working with kids and adults with ASD, ADHD, anxiety and neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease and brain injury. Sarita has trained in "The Interoception Curriculum" with Kelly Mahler (OTR), as well as many related programs.

“Sarita’s yoga for Interoceptive awareness course provided me not just with new skills and a new outlook on yoga as therapy for clients, but also helped me become passionate about being an OT again experiencing burnout. It provided not just education, but a practical component which gave insight into how to put theory into practice with clients. I already am incorporating what I learnt from this course into therapy and have recommended this course to other OTs! Eagerly awaiting future courses from Sarita, thank you!” 




One off payment gives you unlimited access to modules, to complete in your own time and pace

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  • Immediate access to all 5 modules
  • Downloadable PDF sample yoga practice outline
  • PDF of the presentation slides