Are you ready to create a caring connection between you and your body?



Do you want to relax, but your body won’t let you?

Do you want to restore, but your mind won’t let you?

Would you like to meet some new people in a safe and supported environment?

Do you feel like taking a day just for you to honour and restore your mind and body?


The Kind Body-Mind Day for Women


Friday 26th April, 2024 


Join us for this all-female, gentle day of body-mind care. Where science meets art, and rejuvenation meets you. This is an opportunity to be kindly guided into relaxation techniques whilst being fully supported to move within whatever space you feel comfortable with on the day. Be cared for by Sarita, OT and Yoga Therapist and Amberley, Registered Psychologist and spend the day being comfortable being you in mind and body. Amberley and Sarita will lead you through trauma-informed movement, meditations, and provide you with the science of relaxation to help you take the elements of our shared practice that you resonate with back to your own life.

 It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.

Chair Yoga

Yoga can be a enticing and yet confronting practice. If you would like to do yoga and you fear your body might not be 100% on board, then chair yoga offers you an easeful and gentle starting place to explore. Without putting you under any pressure you can play with yoga moves whilst managing your body’s level of comfort and capacity. If you want to graduate to doing some standing yoga there will be that option, but it will be your choice on the day.


Developing a meditation practice is challenging, especially post-trauma. We introduce you to some of the many ways you can meditate and find a way that sits well with you. Meditation is
about finding your presence, and this can be hard when your current life feels emotionally charged
and hard. We will support you into meditation practices that allow you to experience a presence
without the emotional overwhelm.

Mindful Moments

Dropping in to ourselves is not something any of us do often enough. We can
ask others all day long how they are doing and forget to check-in with ourselves. We will gradually introduce you to easy-accessible ways to be mindful and start encouraging you to be caring and comforting towards your mind and body.


Finding pathways to the food your body can work with can be one of the greatest challenges, especially as your journey with food will change with age. We will provide you with fresh, whole foods that nurture the body and mind, brining both energy and satisfaction. If you have special dietary needs, we will do our best to meet them.

Rest and restore

 Sometimes our minds and bodies do not work together to allow us to relax and let
go. This may only further fuel our frustration and lead us into a higher state of anxiety than we started in when we set out to relax! We will provide you with a soothing combination of the science behind letting go and activities to help you start to see what your relaxed body and mind feels like.
In this way you will be able to familiarise yourself with a pathway to getting to resting and restoring more often.

Meet your Facilitators

Amberley Meredith MSc

Amberley is constantly inspired by what humans can achieve when their vulnerability builds an
intimate relationship with their self-belief. Through Amberley’s relatable and friendly style, she will
guide you through the difficult parts of being comfortable to rest and release, and her down-to- earth attitude makes performance science user-friendly.
Amberley has been a psychologist in the UK, Australia and New Zealand since 2001. She has run her
own private practice for over 25 years, specializing in trauma, stress-life management, and health
psychology along the way. Amberley has consulted with individuals, companies and run retreats and workshop programs internationally. She has published her own children's books on how young people experience emotions throughout their childhood and is about to launch Adaptable Sustainable Psychology, a user-friendly system for feeling better now and future proofing your wellness.

Sarita Sloane

Masters Occupational Therapy; BAppSc (Ex Phys); Cert Yoga Therapist
My passion is embodiment and empowerment for women. I draw upon cutting edge and ancient tools, empowering you to move forward in life through heart centred, trauma informed, sensory somatic therapy. With over 25 years’ experience in the healing arts, I draw on my skills as an
experienced Yoga therapist, Occupational Therapist and facilitator.
My business, "Sunshine OT and Yoga", empowers people of all abilities to move forward with the things they love to do and to enjoy embodied living. I offer private OT/Yoga through NDIS; group programs and retreats and professional development training in the therapeutic application of sensory somatic yoga therapies.



It can be hard to find the right fit for you when looking for a workshop. Here are some things to know that might help you work out if this will be a good opportunity for you to join in:

  • We actively ask all those attending not to share their stories. This is a day for resting and restoring. It is not group therapy and we ask that people be mindful that it could be activating to share trauma journeys for themselves and others.
  • We invite you to move around the room whenever you may need and offer you a choice of sitting on either a sofa, comfy chairs, high-backed stools, or the floor with a yoga mat where you can lie down if you wish.
  • We break for morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch. There will be food, water, and herbal teas available to throughout the day.
  • There is a short walk from the carpark to the venue, but we can transport you if this helps you to attend safely and comfortably.
  • Both Sarita and Amberley are present throughout the entire day and if you need to step away from the group there are private areas available at the venue to take some time alone.

If you have been struggling with feelings of anxiety, stress, burnout, depletion, trauma or pain. If you
never quite feel that you are really grounded, or like you are stuck in "fight" or "flight", or "freeze" or "flop" … then this will be a safe space to come and experience a gentle moving away from that

This is the workshop for you if you would like to discover what being rest and restored feels like for you. With us you will experience what it is like to feel:

  • Relaxed, spacious, clear in your own energy
  • Expanded and ready to be inspired to just be
  • Safe presence, warmth, inner kindness
  • A gentle connection to your body and mind with compassion and care
  • To be held safely to bring awareness to any outdated patterns, stress and pain, and then
  • allow yourself for a moment to let go, and find that rest and restoration


Register now to join us Friday 26th April, 2024

Limited spaces available in this small, private retreat


Full Day Program


All inclusive

  • A full day of guided and supported relaxation

  • Nourishing and nurturing food

  • All equipment for gentle movement, including a chair!

  • Safe, beautiful, environment

  • Take home exercises and access to videos, podcasts
    and printable pdfs

  • 2 professionally qualified, trauma-trained and registered
    therapists with 50 years of combined experience
    supporting you for 8 hours

  • NDIS Funded using:

    Community Participation Activities

    Skills Development and training or
  • Flexible Core Budget
Register your interest now

Cancellation Policy

If you are accessing NDIS funding for this program, a "service Agreement" will be completed for all registrants.

Private payments: Cancellations will incur a $100 processing fee.

We ask for a minimum of 7 days notice of cancellation for a refund. 

Contact us for more information:


Contact Sarita Sloane